Dr. Arian Fartash is a Mom and Eye Doctor living and practicing in Southern California. You can find her eye expertise in national magazines as well as NBC and ABC news. Her love of children and love of keeping eyes safe have led her to create a brand of chic and protective sunglasses for boys and girls, GlamBaby. Check out @officialglambaby for more informative eye facts and stylish GlamBaby photos. Visit www.officialglambaby.com for more info.
Being a new Mom, I have found that one of the things that I love doing for fun is dressing up my little Isabella in fashionable outfits (while she’ll still let me pick out her clothes.). As an Eye Doctor, one thing I have noticed while shopping and putting chic pieces together is the lack of protective sunglasses on the Market. A lot of times you’ll see inexpensive, toy sunglasses that look cute, but that’s all they are good for. Toy sunglasses are actually harmful for our children’s eyes. Although they can be fun, toy sunglasses, will enlarge our children’s pupils, letting in more light to the back of the eyes, also known as the retina.
When more UV light enters our eyes, it increases the risk of early cataracts, Macular degeneration, and eye growths, especially in children. Not many know, but 80% of UV exposure is before the age of 18, due to the fact that they are outdoors more than us adults and the anatomy of their eyes, increase the amount of UV they receive. To protect them, we should start preventative care at a young age with 100% UV protected sunglasses. By wearing REAL sunglasses with 100% UVA/UVB protection we are helping to keep their eyes safe and healthy, but we can also keep them looking good at the same time.
The reason I created GlamBaby was to educate and encourage parents to have their children start the healthy habit of UV protection. Creating functional and protective eyewear, without sacrificing style, incites children to want to wear their UV protection. I think of it as functional fashion.
The next time you are pairing your child’s favorite romper or short suit set, remember to reach for those accessories to elevate the look, but keep in mind protection when it comes to their Sunglasses. GlamBaby is proud to be a leader in children’s protective eyewear, where protection and style makes every GlamBaby smile☺.